So I didn't want to give up on the BB cream & used it for the last 2 weeks. I try a lot of things, but after 2-3 days I have to stop. I'll breakout, my skin will itch, or my eyes become bloodshot, even though I never use anything on my eyes. I found the Premium Magic BB was not oily at all, & my skin didn't freak out.
Could anyone recommend something that evens out skin tone or a full coverage BB?
oh wow, Ive heard of the bb cream but i didnt know it did all that negative stuff.
i've tried the two bb creams from the face shop (if you're in the states thefaceshop products are available at walgreens). the skin extra with spf20 and the quick and clean says no spf on the packaging but has a lot of titanium dioxide still in it to provide some protection.
they're both great, and don't rub off, i personally like the smell of the quick and clean better but that's the tea tree in it or my personal choice. neither one gave me an itch or broke me out. i know the skin food has 3 varieties of their bb's but i haven't tried them.
good luck and i hope this helps.
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