I can't believe it myself, but all I got was this beauty blush. The only reason I bought it is because I collect them from each collection, but honestly, you really can't see the color. The peachy one was even lighter. How many times are they going to re promote Deep Truth? The lavender one was pretty, but I bought Lotusland which is so close. The lighter 2 shades are like all the others too. The lippies, same pink. The lip stains disappear right away. I didn't bother with the gel blush, I'll just use my tendertones. The perfume was so strong, I snapped my head back, it smelled like those air freshener sprays in roses. Wow, I'm so disappointed with these last 2 collections. I think Mac needs to come up with new colors, fast.
I bought the lippie in Myth, which I swear is the same as creme d' nude, I swiped them both. I wanted Fleshpot, but they said it was discontinued, UMM I saw it at the Pro store Sunday, whatever. The pigments are the best in my opinion.
Oh- on a side note to the MUA- I know beauty powders have a little color, but I asked you which do you think is more pigmented, pink/peach one? I was just wondering why Mac made such a beautiful product w/no color. You asked if I needed help, I guess I thought you meant it! I need to go to another Mac counter.
This is just my opinion. The colors are beautiful, but they are the same as all the others. What are your thoughts on the Mac collections?
hey girl! i'm sorry you didn't have a good experience at MAC. But ya, MAC collections aren't very fun anymore. The only other good and unique line in my opinion was C-Shock.
They come out with so many freaking new launches they keep repromoting stuff. I think that they should slow down on the almost WEEKLY launches and launch things that are new.
I'd totally wait longer for newer stuff!
i love the blush and i been meaning to pick up myth but i always forget
I want to buy so much of this stuff.. but i know what you mean. The limited editions all look like previously released stuff.. its hardly original!
the blush is so pretty, and i love that nude lipstick you got!
I usually have an idea of what I want to wear beforehand. If not I'll usually just do a smokey eye. I don't usually come up with ideas on the spot because it takes me longer when I do.
The rose imprint on the Beauty Powder is so pretty, too bad it's colorless :(.
I did not buy anything from last collection and I don't think I'll be buying anything from this one as well. Looks like a lot of the same stuff in different packaging. I'm going to keep my hard earned money and wait until something interesting comes along. Some of those MUAs are getting lazy. Internal co. problems are starting to show with the staff, imop. xxNadia
just so you know fleshpot isdiscontinued from regular mac stores and now its only a pro colo, so you can get it from pro sotres or order it over the phone :) i hope that helped
oh man that sucks to hear although im not going to buy anything from the collection. Thanks for being honest with your opinions.
I hate to say this but I'm glad you didn't like this collection. Now I can skip it! The beauty powder does look beautiful though.
Hmm...thanks for posting your opinion, I'll be wiser when the time comes that I can afford MAC.
The blush looks gorgeous, but too bad it's sheer. I hate that...
They should really wait longer to launch different products instead of launching new lines every few weeks with the same colours. They'd get more business that way too cause people would save up for something better & different that is worth their money. Not to mention, they might even end up buying more since they've been waiting for a longer period of time.
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